Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, to Whom belongs the endowments and generosities and Whom we commend out of exaltation. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, the master of all the prophets and messengers, and protect his nation from what he feared for them and likewise his pure family members and kind companions. Ameen.
Thereafter, it was said:
Allah is Al–Ghaniyy and Al-Qayyum.
Allah has no need for anything–including space or room.
Allah has no consort, daughter, or son,
And Allah’s not a body out of which things come.
Allah wasn’t born—nor did Allah bear or sire.
Allah doesn’t sit or descend, and Allah doesn’t tire.
No size, image, or limits—God’s not in a dimension.
Allah exists without a place—it’s a sign of His Perfection.
Allah knows what was, is, and all futurity.
Nothing is hidden from Allah or held in obscurity.
Allah has the Absolute Power and Immutable Will
Allah gives life and death and makes one well or ill.
Good and bad both happen by God’s Decree
So, whatever God wills, it will certainly be.
All occurs by Allah’s Knowledge, Will, and Might
Allah’s the Creator of all and has the Perfect Hearing and Sight.
Allah has Life without organs, flesh, or soul
Allah is Eternal and doesn’t age, rest, or get old.
Allah is An-Nur—to the light of Faith God Guides,
But Allah’s not an illumination that fills up the earth and skies.
God is One—totally beyond compare or need.
This is the Message of all the Prophets—and the essence of TawHid.