
Documentation From the rules of the Arabic language that the word [وهّابيّ] “Wahhabiyy” is correct and proper, not a perversion of Allah’s Name for the purpose of slandering the misguided Wahhabiyyah.

بسم الله

‘Imam Ibn Malik said in his ‘Alfiyyah (Millennial Poem):

رُكّبَ مَزْجًا وَلِثَانٍ تَمَّمَاوَانْسُبْ لِصَدْرِ جُمْلَةٍ وَصَدْرِ مَا870
أَوْ مَا لَهُ التَّعْرِيْفُ بِالثَّانِيْ وَجَبْإِضَافَةً مَبْدُوْءَةً بِابْنٍ أَوَ ابْ871
مَا لَمْ يُخَفْ لَبْسٌ كَعَبْدِ الْأَشْهَلِفِيْمَا سِوَى هَذَا انْسُبَنْ لِلْأَوَّلِ872

870. Make “nasab (attribution)” by using the first segment (of a name in the form) of a sentence, and the first segment of ۞ What (name) is composed by fusion; And by using the second segment that completes ۞

871. A genitive construction started with “Ibn” or “Ab”; ۞ Or that which the definiteness (of its first segment) is mandated by its second segment. ۞

872. Concerning whatever is other than this, make “nasab” by using the first (segment), ۞ as long as there is no fear of confusion, like in the case of “^Abdul-‘Ash-hal”.


  1. A constructed name (tarkīb) in the form of a sentence (isnādiyy) is like someone named “[تَأَبَّطَ شَرّا] (Ta’abbața Sharrā)”; his name means: “He tucked evil under his armpit.” Nasab (attribution) in this case goes to the first part of the name: [تأبطيّ] Ta’abbuțiyy.
  2. A constructed name (tarkīb) formed by fusion (mazjiyy) is like [حضرموت] “Ħađramawt”. Nasab (attribution) in this case also goes to the first part of the name: [حضرمي] Ħađramiyy.
  3. A genitive construction (tarkīb ‘iđāfiyy) is like [ابن الزبير] “Ibn Az-Zubayr” and [أبو بكر] ‘Abu Bakr and [غلام زيد] Ghulam Zayd. Nasab (attribution) in this case goes to the second part of the name: [زبيري] Zubayriyy, [بكري] Bakriyy, [زيدي] Zaydiyy.

If that genitive construction is not one of the above (does not start with Ibn or Ab, nor does its second part make the first part definite), then there are two cases: either there is ambiguity in putting the “nasab” in the first segment or not:

  • If not, then the nasab is given to the first segment, like in the case of [امرئ القيس] Imri’ Al-Qays. You say [امرئي] Imri’iyy (or Mara’iyy).
  • If so, then it is given to the second segment, like [عبد الأشهل] ^Abdul-‘Ash-hal and [عبد القيس] ^Abdu Qays. Using the first segment for both is confusing, so you use the second segment and say [أشهلي] Ash-haliyy and [قيسي] and Qaysiyy.

This is the case for nasab (attributing) to [محمد بن عبد الوهاب] “Muhammad Ibn ^Abdi-l-Wahhab”. You correctly say: [وهابيّ] “Wahhabiyy”,  like a follower of [عبد القادر] ^Abdu-l-Qadir is called [قادريّ] “Qadiriyy”. The author of Shadha-l-^Arf said: Like they say about [عبد مناف] ^Abdu Manaf: [منافيّ] Manafiyy.

Allah Knows Best!

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