
Divorce Rules in Islam

Knowing the rules of divorce is important for both spouses. Although only the husband can initiate divorce, the wife must be aware of its implications so that she can conduct …

Marriage in Islam

All praise is due to Allah the lord of the worlds. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and all the prophets before him and protect his nation from …

Questions on Marriage

Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim Al-hamdu lil-lah was-salatu was-salamu ^ala Rasulil-lah wa ^ala Alihi wasahbihi wa sallam 257. Question: What are the pre-requisites of a valid marriage contract? Answer: The pre-requisites of a valid marriage contract are: …

Marriage and Divorce

One must be exceptionally cautious in verifying the conditions and integrals of the marriage contract for fear of what will result if any of these are not satisfied. Explanation: Knowing the …

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