1. A man with obvious beauty and cleanliness,
2. a glowing countenance,
3. and a good appearance/disposition;
4. with no bulging stomach disgracing him,
5. or a small head disparaging him;
6. is overtly handsome
7. and wholly beautiful;
8. his eyes are wide and very white and black
9. and eyelashes are long;
10. whose voice is devoid of hoarseness,
11. neck is long,
12. and beard is full;
13. the white part of whose eyes is extremely
white, and the black part of whose eyes is
extremely black,
14. as if his eyelids have kohl naturally;
15. whose eyebrows arch longitudinally and thinly
16. (as if they) meet;
17. who has extremely black hair;
18. who is stately when silent
19. and is gorgeous when speaking;
20. who is the most beautiful and striking man
from far and the best and most beautiful from
21. whose speech is sweet, clear, and decisive,
22. neither vaguely short, nor boringly and
pointlessly long;
23. whose words flow forth like a perfect string of
24. of medium height
25. that neither elicits contempt to avert him for
shortness, nor aversion to him for excessive
26. who is a branch between two branches ; he is
the most radiant of the three and the most
27. whose companions surround him; when he
speaks they listen attentively to his speech,
and when he commands they vie with each
other to fulfill his commands.
28. who is well served and attended,
29. who is neither a scowler
30. nor a prattler.