Recite the following Soorahs three times each during the time of Al-Maghrib and the time of Al-Fajr; in shaa’ Allaah, you will be protected against everything1. Reciting them 1 or 3 times each after the 5 obligatory prayers is also recommended; with reciting it 3 times each being stronger, in shaa’ Allaah.
1Al-‘Adhkaar, by Imaam An-Nawawiyy, Chapter 19 on what is recited in the morning and evening, Hadeeth number 173. He says: “We reported from the Sunan of ‘Abu Daawood, from At-Tirmidhiyy and an-Nasaa’iyy’s books and others, through Saheeh chains, from ^Abdullaah ibn Khubayb that he said (what means): We went out during a rainy and very dark night looking for the Prophet, Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, hoping that he would pray for us. We found him and he said, “Qul!” (“qul” translates as “say!”) but I did not say anything; so he said, “Qul!” but I did not say anything. Then he said, “Qul!” so I said, “O Messenger of Allaah, what should I say?” He answered, “Qul Huwa-llaahu ‘Ahad… and the Mu^awwidhatayn (i.e. the 2 last soorahs of the Qur’aan) in the evening and morning, three times, and that will be enough to protect you against everything.”
At-Tirmidhiyy called the Hadeeth Hasan Saheeh.
In the same book, Chapter 28, on “What is Said When One Wants to Sleep and Lies Down on One’s Bed”, Hadeeth number 222, he says: “And in the two Saheehs of Al-Bukhaariyy and Muslim, it is reported from her (i.e. from Lady ^Aa’ishah, RaDiyy Allaahu ^anhaa) what means: The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, when he went to his bed, every night, would join his hands together and then blow and recite in them: “Qul: Huwa-llaahu ‘Ahad…”, “Qul: ‘A^oodhu bi-Rabbil-Falaq…” and “Qul: ‘A^oodhu bi-Rabbin-Naas…”, then he would wipe with them what he could of his body. He would start wiping his head, his face, and the front of his body. He would do that three times.”
He would recite the entire Soorah for each.
Linguists say that the “nafath” consists in blowing gently without spitting.