Manuscript Proof for Imam Ahmad affirming Tabarruk by the Prophet’s Grave

Here’s a Manuscript about Imam Ahmad affirming seeking blessings from the Prophet by touching and kissing his Minbar and touching his Grave, but the Wahhabis accuse that Muslim with blasphemy Shirk !

وفي كتاب سؤالات عبد الله بن أحمد بن حنبل لأحمد رضي الله عنه قال: سألت أبي عن مسّ الرجل رمانة المنبر يقصد التبرك وكذلك عن مس القبر فقال: لا بأس بذلك ا.هـ.وفي كتاب العلل ومعرفة الرجال ما نصه: سألته عن الرجل يمس منبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ويتبرك بمسه ويقبّله ويفعل بالقبر مثل ذلك أو نحو هذا يريد بذلك التقرب إلى الله جل وعز، وقال: لا بأس بذلك ا.هـ.
و التبرّك لغة هو طلب البركة أي الخير .. اللهم انفعنا ببركة سيدنا محمّد صلى الله عليه و سلم.

In the book “Su’alat (Questions of) Abdullah son of Ahmad bin Hanbal to Ahmad” He said: “I asked my father (Ahmad bin Hanbal) about the person that touches the “Rummanah” Podium Knob (Where the Prophet used to put his hand) with the intention of seeking blessings, and about touching the grave for blessings, he (Ahmad) said: “Nothing wrong with that”.
Also in the book “Al-^ilal wa Ma^rifatir-Rijal” he said: “I asked him (Ahmad bin Hanbal) about the person that touches the podium of the Prophet peace be upon him, seeking blessings by touching it and kissing it, and does the same to the grave, or as such, seeking the blessings from Allah the almighty, he (Ahmad) said: “Nothing wrong with that”.
Also in the book “Al-^ilal wa Ma^rifatir-Rijal” he said: “I asked him about the person that touches the podium of the Prophet, seeking blessings by touching it and kissing it, and does the same to the grave, he (Ahmad) said: “Nothing wrong with that”.
* Imam Ahmad also in that book, approves hanging Hirz Qur’an on the neck and that a Woman’s face is not ^awrah
So It’s clear that Wahhabis are a deviant sect that strayed from the Ummah and its consensus.