

If you recite the following dhikr and Aayaat from the Qur’aan, during the time of Al-Maghrib and Al-Fajr, Allaah will assign 70,000 angels to make du^aa’ for you; and if you die that day or night, in which you recited this, you will have one of the statuses of a martyr1.

Recite the following dhikr 3 times.


Then recite the following verses from the Qur’aan 1 time2.


1Ma^qil ibn Yassaar said that the Prophet, Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said (which means):

Whoever says three times in the morning, “I seek Allaah’s protection, Who Hears and Knows everything, against the accursed devil” and then recites three verses from the end of Soorah Al-Hashr, Allaah assigns seventy thousand angels who pray in his favor until the evening; and if he dies during this day, he reaches (a level like one of the levels of) martyrdom. If he says these in the evening, he will have the same benefits (until the morning).

This was reported by Ahmad, Ad-Daaramiyy and At-Tirmidhiyy who declared it “Hasan.” Ibn As-Sunniyy and At-Tabaraaniyy also included it in their chapter concerning du^aa’ and Al-Bayhaqiyy wrote it in “Shu^abul-’Eemaan.”

Al-Adhkaar, by Imaam an-Nawawiyy, Chapter 19 on “What is Recited in the Morning and Evening”, Hadeeth number 194, he says:

We reported from the two books of At-Tirmidhiyy and Ibn As-Sunniyy, with a chain that is partly unreliable, through Ma^qil ibn Yassaar that the Prophet, Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa salalm, said (which means), “Whoever says three times in the morning, ‘I seek Allaah’s protection, Who hears and knows everything, against the accursed devil’ and recites three verses of Soorah Al-Hashr, Allaah assigns seventy thousand angels who pray for him till the evening. If he dies on that day, he reaches one of the degrees of martyrdom. Whoever says them in the evening reaches the same position.”

2Verses 22 to 24 of Soorah 59, Al-Hashr

No basmalah is recited here, as narrated.

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