Fiqh Jurisprudence
For a Valid Fasting – ليكون صيامك مقبول

For my fast to be valid (See Arabic Below)
- I would intend the fasting in my heard at night for every day after sunset (Error! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark not defined.1) and before fajr such as: “I now intend fasting the day of Ramadan tomorrow”
- Avoid all invalidators during the day
Invalidators of fasting are:
- Eating or drinking intentionally even if little, but not forgetfully.
- Inducing vomit intentionally. If it was unintentional, it does not invalidate the fast as long as one cleans by gargling with water
- Having intercourse intentionally (2)
- Riddah which is committing blasphemy after faith
Blasphemous beliefs | Blasphemous Sayings | Blasphemous doings |
Such as believing there’s a similar or partner to Allah. Or believing that the Prophets lie or such which contradicts the meaning of the two testifciations of faith which are the foundation of Islam. They are: I testify that no one is God except Allah, and I Testifiy that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. | Such as cussing Allah, or any of the Prophets, or Islam, or belittling something that Allah glorified such as His holy books, or His angels, or His rules or rites of the religion | Such as throwing the Qur’an in the trash or similar ugly doings. |
So whoever commits anything that takes out of Islam in the day of Ramadan, his fast is invalid and his deeds are lost. He must return to Islam immediately by saying the two shahadatayn. |
Some of the cases where it’s permissible for the Muslim to break his fast in Ramadan, and what he must do if he breaks fast:
What must be done on whoever breaks the fast with an excuse | Excuses for breaking the fast |
Must make up before next Ramadan | The ill person with non-terminal illness |
The traveler traveling distance | |
The women during her menses or post-partum bleeding | |
Pay fidyah (3) expiation to a poor person | The ill person with terminal illness |
Must make up before next Ramadan | The pregnant or breast-feeding woman if they broke fast out of fear of harm to themselves |
Must make up before next Ramadan and pay fidyah expiation | The pregnant or breast-feeding woman if they broke fast out of fear losing the baby or lack of milk |
As for the one who broke his fast without an excuse, then he/she must abstain for the rest of the day and make up that day immediately after Eid of Fitr without delay. We ask Allah to make us among those whose fast and prayer are accepted, and us blessed by your obedience.
- It is valid to intend fasting 30 days of Ramadan on its first night
- Eating, drinking and intercourse is permissible at night before fajr even after making the intention
- The fidyah is the fill of two cupped average hands from the local most common staple food. It is wheat in Canada and many other countries.